1/4 Turn Fasteners
Note: The quantity in stock updates each night at midnight. This doesn't include any orders that we've taken throughout the day.The perfect solution for mounting sheet metal and fiberglass body panels. Panel fasteners have been used in offroad racing for years due to their lightweight and durable design. Available in a variety of lengths to fit the thickness of your panels.
Originally quarter turn fasteners came from the Military Aerospace industry. When they say #5 they're referring to the diameter of the button which is 5/16". Or if they say #6 they are referring to the diameter of the button which is 3/8" (0.408" actual). The length of the button is measured from the panel surface down to the bottom edge of the spring seat. See below picture for reference.

Quarter Turn Fastener Transfer Punch Puts A Punch Mark On The Back Side Of Your Panel For Drilling
415 In Stock
Price: $1.55
Quarter Turn Fastener Tool For Slot Style Buttons Gives You Extra Leverage For Installing Buttons
117 In Stock
Price: $6.00
Keychain Two-Way Quarter Turn Fastener Tool For Flat Head Or 3/16" Allen Wrench Style Buttons
17 In Stock
Price: $13.99
Moroso 71606 Quarter Turn Fastener Screw Driver Style Tool For Slot Style Buttons
12 In Stock
Price: $28.99
Quarter Turn Fastener Spring Adjuster Tool For Tightening Loose Springs Or Adjusting Spring Height
8 In Stock
Price: $59.99
Pop Rivet For Quarter Turn Panel Fastener Tabs, Springs And Self-Ejecting Buttons
6455 In Stock
Price: $0.17
Quarter Turn Fastener PTFE Washers Fit #6 Buttons Prevent Scratching Paint Or Vinyl Wraps - 25 Pack
221 In Stock
Price: $8.49
Quarter Turn Fastener #6 Countersunk Panel Washer For Reinforcing Fiberglass Or Sheet Metal
2215 In Stock
Price: $0.99
Dimpled Assembled Quarter Turn Panel Fastener Tab For #5 Or #6 Buttons With Flat Edge
1503 In Stock
Price: $2.25