Necksgen NG370 Adult Contoured Helmet Support Neck Collar Low Height 1" Thick At Shoulders

Necksgen NG370 Adult Contoured Helmet Support Neck Collar Low Height 1" Thick At Shoulders
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Price: $59.00
3 In Stock
Sold As: 1 Neck Collar

Part Number: NKG370

MFG Number: NG370

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If you've ever gone for a long ride in a UTV, chances are you've found out the hard way exactly how heavy your head really is. The bouncing, bobbling, swaying for hours with a helmet on can strain your muscles, and cause soreness and discomfort. The NecksGen UTV helmet support collar is designed purely with comfort in mind. As the name suggests, this easy to use foam collar simply supports your helmet to help you keep your eyes on the road.

If you are racing, you need a head and neck restraint, plain and simple. This is NOT a head and neck restraint, and it does not protect you in a crash like a head and neck restraint will. If you aren't racing, and you are just out playing in the dunes or the trails, and you want a little extra support, the UTV helmet support collar can offer a helping hand to stop the bobble-head effect.

The washable UTV helmet support comes in 6 sizes to accommodate almost any size person. There is no exact right measurement for each person, as it is all about personal preference for your intended use.

Fitment guide
  • Step 1 - Measure your neck diameter in the mirror
  • Step 2 - Put your helmet on and measure the distance from the bottom of your helmet to the top of your shoulder
  • Step 3 - Using the two measurements you just made, determine the best device for you using the UTV Helmet Support dimensions chart
A few things to consider:
  • If you want the collar to cushion your chin instead of your helmet, adults can consider a youth size collar as long as your neck can fit the smaller 5" diameter hole
  • If you want the collar to hold your head tighter, opt for the thicker version
  • If you want the collar to allow a bit more movement, opt for the thinner version
necksgen ng contoured helmet support neck collars braces dimensions size chart

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